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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium? 

The Pupil Premium is additional funding that schools receive from the government for each pupil deemed to be disadvantaged. Fair Oak Junior School is accountable for how this money is used but has the autonomy to determine how it is spent in order to achieve the following:

  • Develop high quality teaching, for example, professional development and recruitment and retention
  • Provide targeted academic support, such as one to one or small group tuition
  • Tackling no-academic barriers to academic success, such as difficulties with attendance, behaviour and social and emotional well-being 

Schools must show how they are using the Pupil Premium effectively:

  • by publishing a statement each academic year using the DfE template (seen below)
  • through scrutiny of pupil premium plans by the school governors 
  • through Ofsted inspections 

The Pupil Premium is not an individual budget for each child. 

Who is eligible for the Pupil Premium?

Pupil premium funding is allocated to a school based on the number of: 

  • Pupils from low income families or who are recorded as eligible for free school meals (or have been in the last 6 years - referred to as 'Ever 6')
  • Children who are in care or hae been in care, and are adopted or subject to a Special Guardianship or Child Arrangement order
  • Children from families who serve in the Armed Forces

To see the exact amount per pupil, you can visit DfE website by clicking here

How can I apply?

If you think your child may be eligible for the pupil premium, then please feel free to contact the school office to discuss this further. Often, parents are concerned that there is a stigma attached to being seen as a 'low income' family. However, all matters relating to free school meals and pupil premium are treated confidentially. Fair Oak Junior School wants to work with families to ensure their child maximises the opportunities they have at school and reach their full potential. 

You can also check your eligibility on the Hampshire website by clicking on the button below to find the online checking facility. 



Fair Oak Junior School Pupil Premium Strategy 

Fair Oak Junior School will take every measure to ensure all the children achieve their full potential both academically and socially and emotionally - including those who face barriers in their lives - so they are ready for the next stage of their education and journey. 

To discover more about how we do this using evidence-informed activities in line with the 'menu of approaches', please have a read through our most recent strategy reports below. 

Our school Pupil Premium Lead is Laura Cooper and the governor responsible is Lauren Trumble.