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Term Dates and the School Day

Here you can find details of the school day and the term dates. 

Our school calendar will give you the important dates and upcoming events. You will also be able to sync this to your smartphone. This information can be found by clicking on the calendar below. 

Our Typical Day

Below is how a typical day at Fair Oak looks. The timings can vary from time to time based on different things that happen in school. If you would like to see a snapshot of some of these events, please click here. 

Children can arrive at school from 8:40 but need to be in class for registration by 8:50 when the gates will be locked. 

The school day finishes at 15:30.  This equates to 33 hours 20 minutes during a typical week. 

Term Dates

Please see the tables below for our term dates for the 2024 - 2025 Academic Year. 

You can find out more about some of the kept dates during term time by clicking below.

Holiday Dates