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Oak Bites 14th October 2020

OAK BITES 14th October 2020

Please follow us on Twitter @FairOakJS

Follow our YouTube channel


Dear Fair Oak Family,


Please can we ask that children do not ride their bikes on site or on the campus? – they must walk them off campus to ensure their safety as well as the safety of others. Thank you for your support with this.



Please see attached Fair Oak Junior School’s Remote Learning Policy, outlining key expectations and roles/responsibilities for all if your child’s class/year group or indeed the whole school was to go into lockdown. (Please see the Fair Oak Junior School website to view all policies).



***A polite reminder that only Year 6 pupils are permitted to bring mobile phones into school. Thank you. ***


PSA (Parent Staff Association) Meeting this Thursday… 6.30pm ….. via ZOOM…..

Based on Government and DFE guidelines, we have as a school decided not to hold the scheduled PSA meeting in person and will instead run the meeting via ZOOM. We would love anyone interested in becoming a part of the PSA to log on and get involved!

This Thursday evening at 6.30pm – please use the following link details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 4010 1340 
Passcode: 304842 


After School Club

After School Club payment for September should be paid by this Friday 16th October. Thank you.



  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details