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High Expectations

Love and Care





Oak Bites: 1st April 2020

OAK BITES 1st April 2020


Dear Fair Oak Family,

Happy Wednesday Fair Oak Family!

Please follow us on Twitter @FairOakJS and…

…subscribe to our YouTube channel!



Firstly, I hope you and our children are well. We are missing them…and you! Thank you so much for your comments about the YouTube Videos. The staff have enjoyed making them and are really excited to see the children’s learning on the Purple Mash blogging platform.


There are going to be some new additions to the YouTube channel. Each week, in addition to English and maths, we will be sending out Science videos and Music videos, which can be accessed from the Whole school playlist and the Music with Joe Playlist. Need a bedtime story? Thanks to JK Rowling, the teachers are able to read Harry Potter to the children. If you want to hear this, log onto Purple Mash, select the yellow work tab (at the top), select the arrow by school and then access the Harry Potter file. Happy listening!


For those eligible for Free School Meals, due to the Pupil Premium Grant

As our school kitchen is working at capacity, we are able to offer food to those who are in receipt of pupil premium funding. From Monday 6th April, we are able to offer lunch boxes – these will include ingredients for food for a week. However, for the kitchen to place the correct food orders, please could you contact the school office by 1pm today (Wednesday 1st April) if you require food for next week. It would also be helpful if you could to let us know if you want these food boxes until further notice, so that you don’t need to contact us weekly.


For those in school – classified as Vulnerable and Key Worker

  • Complete the online register for next week by 2pm on Friday 3rd April – an email link will be sent out separately. If you do not receive this, please contact the office.
  • If your child is ill, do not send them into school.
  • If your child is returning from isolation, his/her temperature will be taken
  • Please wash school uniform daily – no need for ties to be worn during this period
  • Hair must be up
  • Breakfast club will continue for the time being, although this may change soon


If you are unable to access the internet to complete home learning, the office has hard copies of home learning which you can collect.


Have a wonderful end to the week.


Mr De Silva

  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details