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High Expectations

Love and Care






Hard effort and learning are always celebrated at Fair Oak Junior School, whether through the giving of house points (dojo points), or the awarding of credits. Children are also rewarded in specific subjects, e.g. Maths and English medals. 



Certificates are regularly given out by members of staff, in addition to individual year group certificates including 'Learner of the Week', ‘Certificates of Achievement’ 'Worker of the Week' and 'Monitor of the Week'



Fair Oak Junior School encourages pupils to contribute to the school community by taking on roles of responsibility to help their class and the school run smoothly. 

We encourage everybody to become a classroom monitor.  You could be in charge of the register, taking out the lunch-crates, organising the art resources, collecting the equipment from the PE cupboard and library.


Older children also have the chance to become school monitors.  They could assist in assembly, distributing registers and collecting photocopying.


Playground leaders support the lunch team outside, organising activities for younger children and take on a greater role in our sports events.


Smile Squad are trained to help children resolve minor friendship problems at break times and have special play equipment.

  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details