Science stimulates and excites pupil’s curiosity about phenomena in the world around them. It also satisfies curiosity with knowledge and understanding. Through science, pupils understand how scientific ideas contribute to technological and evolutional change. They learn to question and discuss science based issues that may affect their own lives, society and the future. Learning is engaged at many levels through practical hands on experience.
We aim to teach the children both scientific skills and knowledge, and support them in their learning. We foster an enthusiasm for science, to think creatively and more independently and to encourage them to be curious, ask questions and seek solutions.
Science at Fair Oak Junior School is based on the New National Curriculum requirements. Teachers plan work using this and refer to the Hampshire’s Key Ideas for Science document. All year groups aim to contextualise the lessons into real-life or cross-curricular situations to make it as real and purposeful as possible for the ‘junior scientists’ to explore scientific concepts. Investigative work is incorporated to reinforce learning through practical ‘hands on’ tasks. Children learn to make observations, seek and identify patterns, communicate their findings, handle equipment safely and be trained to think about safety in working practically. Working scientifically is taught through a variety of open-ended questions, teacher demonstration and pupil self-initiated enquiry.
British Science Week is also promoted through our school to allow links to science and engineering and engage with the real world.