• To help everyone enjoy learning and achieve success
• To provide a safe and caring place where everyone is valued and respected
• Expect the highest standards in work and behaviour
• Promote healthy lifestyles
• Encourage everyone to make positive contributions in school and the wider
• Prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life
• Encourage partnership between children, parents, staff, governors and the
• Raise spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness and develop respect for
• Provide the highest standards of teaching, learning and care in a broad and
balanced curriculum
• Develop confident and independent learners
We expect everyone at Fair Oak Junior School to be courteous and considerate, showing patience, care and respect. We acknowledge and reward effort and achievement in all aspects of school life including behaviour. We encourage children to reach for the highest standards of work and behaviour. We have a set of rules, designed by children and staff, to remind us how to behave. These rules are displayed throughout the school building and in the playgrounds.
Every child has the right to learn
Always do your best
Be fair, honest and reliable
Show self-control and take responsibility for your own actions
Be kind and polite, helping everyone to enjoy school
Respect others and their property
Tell someone you trust if you have a problem