OAK BITES 2nd December 2020
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Wednesday everybody!
Reminder… Non uniform day… this Friday 4th December
…for the Christmas Fayre which takes place on Tuesday 15th December, the children can bring in a voluntary chocolate contribution or bring in £1.
I would like to say that as a school we are all working exceptionally hard to ensure that children and staff are staying safe whilst receiving a full well-rounded curriculum and their safety and mental health/well-being is paramount. Every decision made is carefully considered and acted on with the children as well as staff safety in mind. We as a school, have decided against Christmas cards this year. This is to protect everyone. We are working hard to make sure that the children are engaged in lots of fun Christmas themed activities. We still have our Christmas jumper day, Christmas lunch, Nativity play (albeit different conforming to government guidelines), the year 6 Christmas cake making as well as the Christmas fayre (again different to previous years due to COVID restrictions). So, other than the Christmas cards we have kept all other activities we normally do in place. There are always possible ways to reduce the risk from Christmas cards being brought in regarding COVID 19 but this is still a risk none the less. We have a duty of care to our children and staff which is being upheld.
Thank you to everyone that has ordered Christmas lunches this year. The window for ordering is now closed. We apologise that the dinners are different to normal years but due to increased demand for school dinners on this day we are unable to provide nearly 600 hot dinners delivered to the classrooms with the team we have. Unlike infant schools who provide universal free school meals not all of our children receive a hot dinner daily, meaning we have a smaller kitchen team and all food is delivered to classrooms in line with our risk assessments. This is a very different year but we are always striving to make sure that children have as many of the same experiences as they normally would. Classrooms will be playing music, decorations up and crackers provided for all children. Also, we have had a few queries regarding how to pay – please just top up the children’s dinner accounts as usual in advance of the day. Thank you. (Anyone requiring a link to set up online payment just needs to contact the school office).
Mrs Layley
Year 6 Christmas cakes
For your information, the Christmas cakes that the Year 6 children will be making are about 10cm in diameter and will be fine to go home on a plate or a small cake board. Thank you.
Messages from the Parish Council
Dear All,
* We wanted to let you know that our free Christmas trail went live this week. The Ground staff have been busy making large scale Christmas decorations out of recycled pallets which have been dotted around Knowle Park. Link to the trail map is here: - https://www.fairoak-pc.gov.uk/2020/11/30/2020-christmas-trail/
*Can you spare 3 – 5 minutes to help your local community? The Parish Council would like to know your priorities for Fair Oak & Horton Heath over the next 3 – 5 years, and specifically which projects you’d like us to allocate budget to. Tell us by completing our Community Engagement Survey, which you can find here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/fopc2020 Get involved today and help shape the Fair Oak and Horton Heath of the future!