We all know the benefits of staying active and keeping fit and here at Fair Oak Junior School we do a great deal to keep ourselves healthy. However, for the next 17 weeks we will be trying something new to help us in this area. A class a week will be given pedometers which are small electronic devices that measure how many steps you take each day. Each child will receive a pedometer on loan and they will be asked to wear them as often as possible during that week (Monday to Friday). At the end of the week the pedometers will be collected back in by the class teacher who will record how many steps the children have taken. A class total will be collated. This will be repeated for each class in each year group and a Walkathon Challenge Cup will be presented to the class in each year group who have taken the most steps during their pedometer week. Pedometers will be sent home with children as steps taken at home and out and about count, so we ask that parents or carers help their children to carefully look after the pedometers and help the children to work the devices should they need it. Don’t worry, instructions will be sent home too! It would be very helpful if parents or carers could also sign the recording sheet sent home with each child to verify the number of steps taken each day.
Thank you very much for your help and co-operation in trying to make Fair Oak a fit and healthy place to live!