Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 7AN
T: 023 80 693195
E: adminoffice@fairoak-jun.hants.sch.uk
Acting Head Teacher: Mrs Katy Layley
Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to everyone for all your support for what we are doing in school.
Also, please accept our apologies for the slight delay in providing any updates today - as you can imagine, our INSET day has been rather hijacked by recent news events and we are trying our best to work out what needs to be done in order to continue to comply with the Government guidelines.
There is a lot of confusion and anxiety regarding the latest news reports regarding Covid. However, we have to follow Government guidance which states that children are safe in school and our school is open.
As you know we are keeping the classrooms well ventilated and the handwashing routines are now part of our daily activities. We are now encouraging the staff to wear masks and children can wear a mask in school, if they wish.
We understand that some parents will still have concerns, despite our best efforts, and will choose to keep their children home, at this time. We do need to point out though, that currently, because the guidance says that children should be in school, any absences through choice, will have to be marked as unauthorised. For any children self-isolating there will be home learning available, via the school website, in due course.
Please be aware that, due to various circumstances, we will be experiencing a number of staff absences from school in the coming days, but we will ensure that cover is consistent where possible and that the children are provided with the high quality education that you would expect and that their safety remains paramount. If, as a last resort we need to close bubbles/classes we will communicate via email and provide all necessary information. Work will be ready to go on the website for your child.
Apologies we can’t give any further information at this point, as and when guidance changes we will continue to keep you informed.
With kind regards
Mrs Katy Layley
Acting Headteacher