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High Expectations

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Oak Bites 11th May 2020

OAK BITES 11th May 2020

Please follow us on Twitter @FairOakJS

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Dear Fair Oak Family,


Please note that the contents of this communication is correct at time of writing (10am, 11th May 2020)


I hope you all had a good weekend. I’m sure many of you watched, or have subsequently heard, the speech from the Prime Minister on Sunday 10th May 2020, and that you may have many questions. As you can imagine, I also have many questions of my own.


I hope to receive further guidance and clarification from the Government/Department for Education (DfE) regarding the suggested phased reopening of some year groups in primary schools. This will hopefully include how I can keep your children and my staff safe at all times.


What we do know is that our current guidance is still applicable and must be followed by schools and parents. We will continue to provide care for Critical Key Workers and for those who are classified as Vulnerable. If you are a Critical Key Worker – please remember that school should be the last option for your child’s care, as they will be safer at home.


Our home learning offer is remaining in place. Please watch the learning videos on our YouTube channel and complete the learning presentation work – found on each year page of the school website.


As always, I will keep you informed of any changes.


Message for our Year 6 children from our Year 6 teachers – Please look at the video message on YouTube


Have a good week.


Mr De Silva

  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
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