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Oak Bites 11th October 2021

OAK BITES 11th October 2021

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Dear Fair Oak Family,

News for all pupils


Eastleigh Basics Bank

In Year 4, we are fortunate to be able to hold our Harvest Assembly again, (after a break last year due to the Pandemic). In conjunction with this, we are asking children across all year groups to bring in an item of non-perishable foods to school on Monday 18th October 2021. These will be collected in class and brought to a central location so that they can be collected by our local foodbank. 


The foodbank that we have continued to support over the years, is Eastleigh Basics Bank and we hope once again to supply them with as much as possible. If every family were to bring in at least 1 item, we could be seeing a collection of over 500 products! Demand for their products has exploded since COVID with the bank providing food for over 3,800 people already this year. This is up from the 2,451 people they fed in 2019. So, it is with great importance that as a school community we rally round and support them in the best way that we can.  



We look forward to seeing your donations and if you should have any questions at all please contact Mrs Gowers (Year 4 Leader) through the office.  


Many thanks, 

Year 4 Team 



Flu Vaccine consent

Please see the attached link to complete consent for your child/ren to have the flu vaccine in school. This needs to be completed by 10am tomorrow morning. Thank you.


Our school number is: SH115997



PSA movie nights!

Just to confirm – the movie nights dates and times are as follows:


Year 3                        Tuesday 12th October 2021

                                    5.30 – 7.30 pm


Year 4                        Tuesday 19th October 2021

                                    5.30 – 7.30 pm


Year 5 & 6                Thursday 21st October 2021

                                    5.30 – 7.30 pm.


Not 5pm, as had been mentioned in last week’s Newsletter.



News for Year 3

There is no news specific to Year 3


News for Year 4

Year 4 Box Heads can be handed in after half term – due to Harvest rehearsals, we have been slightly delayed with doing any work on them in school, so hopefully this gives everyone a bit more time to get prepared!


News for Year 5

There is no news specific to Year 5


News for Year 6

There is no news specific to Year 6


  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details