OAK BITES 15th April 2020
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Wednesday. I hope you are all well. Thank you so much for your kind words about the online learning. As mentioned previously, things will be changing from Monday 20th April. Whilst I have made it clear that we do not expect you to follow a specific timetable, we will be suggesting learning activities.
On Friday’s newsletter, you will receive more information about our changes to learning. As always, thank you for your messages of support and ideas. The staff are working hard to create learning, be parents, complete other learning tasks required of them and stay safe. As head, I must balance the welfare of my staff team in this time and adhere to specific guidance, whilst doing what is best for the body of pupils at Fair Oak Junior School. Every child will have a different learning experience at home; as a school, we are not here to judge what you can and can’t do – rather support you and your child as best as possible given the need for me to adhere to guidance.
For those of you who are able to send your child to school next week as they are classified as Vulnerable pupils or you are classified as a Key Worker, an email will be coming out shortly with next week’s registers.
Lastly, Miss Coxhead has a plan. See below….
Have a good week.
Mr De Silva
Message from Miss Coxhead
I hope you’re all well and managing to spend some quality family time together! We have an exciting opportunity for you to get involved in, to show our community spirit and appreciation for those around us!
We would like to create a short video of us showing our support for one another and also having a bit of fun! We aim to create a video of us ‘The Fair Oak family’ lip syncing and dancing to (We could be) – Heroes by Alesso. Here is the link of the song so you can get practising… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVEo74CwiG4 … Please get creative! Feel free to dress up, grab a hair brush and show off your great moves. Be original!
Now, you do not need to record yourself doing the whole song. We only want small snippets to ensure that as many children as possible can be on the video. We have split the song up into sections so please check which section your child’s surname is in and get recording! PLEASE ONLY DO ONE SECTION PER FAMILY EVEN IF THEY HAVE DIFFERENT SURNAMES.
Sections (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVEo74CwiG4)
Section 1) 0-37 seconds – Surnames beginning A - B
Section 2) 37 seconds – 1:09 – Surnames beginning C - E
Section 3) 1:09 – 1:25 – Surnames beginning F - H
Section 4) 1:25 – 1:53 - Surnames beginning I - M
Section 5) 1:53 – 2:25 - Surnames beginning N – R
Section 6) 2:25 – 2:55 – Surnames beginning S - T
Section 7) 2:55 – 3:31 - Surnames beginning U - Z
Please note not all section have lyrics, so please show me your best dance moves!
Once you have finished your clip, please email it to fojuniorschool@gmail.com Please ensure that the subject of the email is called the section of the song that you have recorded e.g. Section 1. This helps me with piecing it all together!
A few rules
As you can imagine this is not a small task! Please avoid contacting the office or the email address above with questions, as the aim of this video is to showcase our community spirit and to have fun. Whilst we endeavour to use all clips submitted, please note that this may not be possible if we receive too many videos. Please check your video before submitting, as we cannot use videos with technical issues.
Have Fun!
Miss Coxhead.