Dear Parents/ Guardians
Oak Bites is our twice weekly bulletin (Monday & Wednesday) that includes all general school communications, spilt into either All Pupil news or specific Year Groups. The fortnightly newsletter will continue as normal.
All pupils Please see details below of our approach to the latest health recommendations and the school actions being carried out.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Following the letter sent out on Friday 13th, I would like to give you a few updates about operational changes to the school.
- Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 18th is cancelled. Your child’s class teacher will write a brief summary report, which we are aiming to send to parents (who have a meeting booked for the 18th) by the end of this week with your child in a sealed envelope. Following this, if you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher or indeed Mrs Cooper (the Inclusion Manager), please email adminoffice@fairoak-jun.hants.sch.uk to book a time for your child’s teacher to phone you.
- Assemblies – large assemblies will be postponed, this includes whole school and singing assemblies. Instead, children will have class assemblies.
- Year 5 Easter Assembly is postponed. Children will still continue to rehearse in school, in the hope that they will be given an opportunity to perform – however, the Easter assembly is time specific.
- Lunch – lunchtimes will be staggered between lower school and upper school so that we have fewer children in the hall at any one time. The lunchtime routine will also include handwashing.
- Afternoon Run a mile – The children normally run a mile at a time during the day, but this will now be more formalised to be in the afternoons.
- The Young Voices Concert on Thursday 19th March is to be postponed until further notice.
- Scooter Fridays will be cancelled until further notice, as children will be split into lower school and upper school playgrounds, as per normal break time routines.
- The Invitation relay is postponed until June – date TBC.
- Festival of colour – this will be going ahead for the children, but without parents attending.
- Currently all other outdoor sporting competitions are continuing – but this may change.
- The Indoor Athletics County Final is postponed until further notice.
As you can see, Fair Oak Junior School is taking your child’s safety incredibly seriously. My duty of care is to your child, and we will update you as and when information is available to share. In the meantime, and as per government guidance given to schools:
- Do not send your child into school if s/he has a persistent cough or high temperature. They will need to be isolated at home for 7 days. If a child is sent to school, we will contact parents to collect them. If you are concerned about your child if they have a cough or a high temperature, please use this link - https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19/
Thank you for your continued support.