OAK BITES 16th November 2020
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Monday – After a fabulous week last week culminating with Children in Need on Friday, we are looking forward to another busy week in school!
Eastleigh Basic Food Bank
- In recognising that we might have a difficult winter, the Parish Council have purchased two yellow wheelie bins to receive donations towards the Eastleigh basic food bank. The bins are placed at the Woodland Community Centre, Savernake Way every weekday between 1000 hrs and 1600 hrs and the Parish Office, 2 Knowle Park Lane every weekday between 0830 hrs and 1530 hrs. Our caretaker will collect all donations from the bins daily and drop these to the Food Bank. Thank you in advance for any donations that you may feel you can make.
Children’s portrait tea towels
- Please find attached a letter about tea towels created from the children’s self-portraits and how you can order them in time for Christmas, (we are also sending a hard copy of this letter home with the children just in case you don’t have access to a computer or printer at home).