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High Expectations

Love and Care





Oak Bites 16th September 2020

OAK BITES 16th September 2020

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Dear Fair Oak Family,


Please take the time to open and read the attached letter regarding changes to uniform expectation. This includes important information about your child’s PE days, wearing PE kit into school etc. Thank you.



In these ever changing times, we thought it may be a good idea to remind everyone of the times that the school office is open each day:  The office is manned 8 am – 4.30 pm.



Year 5 Parents/Guardians

We have noticed a number of Year 5 children arriving at school, outside of or later than their arrival time slot of 08.30 – 08.45. Because we have to strictly stagger start times to protect the children, we really need your support with these timings. For Year 5, school starts at 08.45 and they do need to be in class ready for the day at that time. Thank you for your continuing support in what we know are difficult times.


Year 7 Applications….

The application process has opened for Year 7 applications and will remain open until 31st October. Please see the attached letter which explains how the process works.


House Cross Country 2020/21

Weather permitting, the House Cross Country races will take place on Monday 5th October at the Lapstone playing fields. All children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit on that day ready for action! Sadly, with the current restrictions in place, it is not possible for parents/guardians/grandparents to come and watch this event.


What to do if…..

We understand the confusion parents are experiencing in the current climate – with that in mind, we have attached a COVID-19 quick reference guide to attendance at school for parents which you may find helpful.



  • Thank you for all your cooperation surrounding accessing the site and schools. We have established routes that are keeping the different users of the campus as safe as possible, the map attached identifies the designated entrance and exits points for all of our different schools on campus.


We are also receiving concerns from local residents about inappropriate parking in surrounding roads and driveways. Please can parents using local roads, park in accordance with the highway code. The local police have made some patrols in the area already this term and are looking out for particular issues as they are being informed of them.


  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details