Dear Parents/ Guardians,
In light of the current climate, Oak Bites may be sent more frequently with updates and information as required.
All pupils
Dear Fair Oak Family,
Firstly, I must thank you for all your support over the past two days. The situation is changing rapidly, but we will endeavour to keep you informed. As you know, my key priority is to keep the Fair Oak Family safe. Please note that I do absolutely understand the impact of your child being off school for 14 days if they are poorly. As per the letter yesterday, we are following guidance. There are a few extra points:
- If a child is sent home from school, they will be able to take a pack of home learning with them. Please collect this pack from the office when you collect your child. If your child completes this pack, please do use the online resources in the table below.
- If your child is already off school unwell, a pack can be collected from the school office, if you are able to pop in to collect one.
- In the event of an extended closure for any part of the school, children will be able to access learning from the Year Group pages on the website (see table below). Children have recently been given or will be given login details for these
- In addition to the planned work in the table below, the year pages will include a variety of different educational websites, including learning games
- Year 6 parents/guardians – please note that there is a mix of printable papers and online games on your Year page.
Year Group
Home learning
Year 3
- Purple Mash – A variety of learning tasks planned for by the year team. Children will need to complete the learning online
- Spelling Shed
- Times Table Rock Stars
- Numbots – An amazing fun maths platform – enjoy exploring! Use times table rock stars login to access this.
Year 4
- Purple Mash – A variety of learning tasks planned for by the year team. Children will need to complete the learning online
- Times Table Rock Stars
- Numbots – An amazing fun maths platform – enjoy exploring! Use times table rock stars login to access this.
Year 5
- Purple Mash – A variety of learning tasks planned for by the year team. Children will need to complete the learning online
- Times Table Rock Stars
- Numbots – An amazing fun maths platform – enjoy exploring! Use times table rock stars login to access this.
Year 6
- Classroom secrets – Explore the maths and English educational games. To login, click on the link on the year 6 webpage. You will need to create a free login.
- Arithmetic, reading, reasoning and spelling papers are available on the year 6 page
- In a change to yesterday’s information, all sporting events/competitions (not PE lessons in school), are to be CANCELLED.
- ICON After School Clubs will continue as usual - for the time being.
- Do not send your child into school if s/he has a persistent cough or high temperature. They will need to be isolated at home for 14 days. If a child is sent to school, we will contact parents to collect them. If you are concerned about your child if they have a cough or a high temperature, please use this link - https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19/
NHS 111 Online - What to do coronavirus (COVID-19)
Get coronavirus (COVID-19) advice. Find out what to do if: you think you have symptoms; you might have been exposed to the virus when travelling; We'll ask you a few questions and tell you what to do next.
- Message from Mr Kirby - The collection of crisp packets is suspended.
- Please see the attached letter from HC3S, our caterers, explaining that the Streets menu (Years 5 & 6 only), will not be available during this difficult period of time – just the standard two-choice menu.
Thank you for your continued support.