OAK BITES 18th March 2020
Dear Fair Oak Family,
In light of the current climate, Oak Bites will be sent daily.
- Our recent Oak Bites communications are now available on our school website (under 'latest news'), so all the information sent out yesterday about home learning etc., can be found there.
- As government guidance comes out to schools, certain members of staff may need to be away from school for prolonged periods of time due to underlying medical conditions. When this absence has involved a class teacher, parents will be informed via email.
- Mr Emerton will be absent from school (due to the above point). This means that Code Club/Creative Computing Club is cancelled until further notice.
- Lunchtime changes - I am glad to inform you that lunchtimes are going incredibly well. The children are adapting well to the changes.
- Parents' Evening - as per previous communication. This has been cancelled for tonight.
- Volunteers - Thank you to all those who have volunteered in school. As of Monday 23rd volunteers will not be required in school. This will have an impact on our amazing PSA...
- PSA dress down day (27th March) will not be going ahead, as the Easter Hamper Assembly will not be taking place due to volunteers not being able to be in school.
Thank you so much for your support and for your kind emails. We will endeavour to keep you informed.
Mr De Silva