OAK BITES 18th November 2021
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
News for all pupils
Please see attached an updated letter from Mr Bessant, regarding the latest Covid-19 information for school.
Children in Need - Friday 19th November
Tomorrow is Children in Need day. The children are welcome to come to school in non school uniform for a 'suggested fine' of £1. If your child normally comes to school in their PE kit on a Friday, please can they bring their kit in a bag.
Also on Friday, the school photographer will be coming in to take photos of those children that weren't in school on the original photo date. Please can those children that will be having their picture taken come in to school in their school uniform and bring their change of clothes with them to put on after their photo has been taken.
The photo orders are being collected tomorrow so please ensure that all orders are in the school office by the end of Thursday. Thank you. Any orders received after this time may well incur an extra charge.
Some of our FOJS family (past and present) are performing in Oliver! with Spot On Productions from 24th - 27th November at The Point theatre in Eastleigh!
Tickets for this fantastic show are available now via the following link -
News for Year 3
There is no news specific to Year 3
News for Year 4
There is no news specific to Year 4
News for Year 5
There is no news specific to Year 5
News for Year 6
Please see attached details of Bikeability which is being offered to the Year 6 children.