OAK BITES 1st June 2020
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Monday. I hope that you all had a lovely weekend. Today was the first day we had some of our year 6 children in. It was great to see them all and to hear the usual year 6 chatter in the classrooms and on the playground. Today we had 59 year 6 children in school, in addition to our 50 Key Worker/Vulnerable children.
INSET day – As I’m sure you are aware, Friday 19th June is an INSET day. This means that school will be closed to Year 6 children and Key Worker/Vulnerable children.
Information for those sending their children into school
Thank you for your patience this morning at the green gate. From tomorrow we will have two lines at the green gate:
Each child will have a thermal image taken, so that we can monitor their body temperature – this will also be the same for those entering the school field. In addition, Key Worker/Vulnerable children will need to make their lunch orders at the green gate. As you can imagine, your child’s safety is our paramount concern, so your patience is greatly appreciated.
A few extra points
Have a good few days.
Mr De Silva