OAK BITES 23rd November 2020
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Monday everybody!
Christmas Jumper Day!
Tuesday 15th December is our Christmas lunch day and we would love the children come to school wearing a Christmas jumper for the occasion! If they don’t have a Christmas jumper, anything festive will be okay, (antlers for example?) The children will still need to wear school uniform apart from their festive jumpers/accessories. Christmas lunch day is always such a lovely occasion for the staff and the children and this year in particular we all need something nice to look forward to, I think you will agree!
Vehicles on the campus
If you have a permit and as such are permitted to drive on to the campus, please be careful when parking, manoeuvring, opening car doors etc. Unfortunately a staff member’s car was damaged (parked near to the green gate entrance to the junior school), by a neighbouring car opening the door. Please try to park along by the front green gates, eliminating traffic going down to the staff car park by the field - for health and safety reasons. Thank you.
Years 4/5 and 6
We would appreciate your feedback on the remote learning provided by us during the first national lockdown and ongoing periods of isolation. Please spare a few minutes go give us your thoughts. (Year 3 were not pupils with us during the initial period of lockdown which is why we haven’t included them). You can find the survey here:
Please complete the feedback no later than 12pm Monday 14th December.
Tea towels
Please make sure you return your order for year group tea-towels. The order deadline is Thursday 26th November. We only order the exact amount so there will be no chance to buy them after this deadline. Thank you, PSA.
PSA Christmas Fayre
Please have a look at the attached letter regarding this year’s PSA Christmas Fayre – it may look a little different this year but we aim to give the children a fun festive experience none the less. All the information you need is in this letter!
Can you help?....
We have been made aware of an incident that took place just outside of the school site last Friday involving a car being damaged by a pushchair? If you witnessed this incident or were involved in any way, please can you make contact with the school office on 02380 693195. Thank you.
The Admin Team
email: adminoffice@fairoak-jun.hants.sch.uk
Tel: 02380 693195