25th March 2020
Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Wednesday!
I hope you are all okay and that you are able to balance work/parenting/education and children. So firstly…please don’t let educating your child become a battle. As much as possible, try to make it fun – but equally you need to realise that you are probably spinning quite a few plates – so remember to be kind to yourselves.
In terms of home learning, the staff team are busy creating resources to support parents and children. A Fair Oak Junior School YouTube Channel has been created and I look forward to sharing information with you on an extra Oak Bites – to be sent on Friday. In the meantime, a video has been launched on our Twitter Feed (@FairOakJS). To access our Twitter Feed, create an account and follow @FairOakJS. Alternatively, follow the link from our website – however, this isn’t always updated quite as instantly. The video explains how to use Purple Mash. If you haven’t got login details for Purple Mash, please contact the school office.
At the moment, Home Learning will continue to be on the Year Group pages, but I will also add information on the Latest News part of the Website.
Thank you to all of those who completed the survey detailing whether your child meets the Vulnerable criteria or whether you (as parents) are classified as Key Workers. If you were not able to complete the questionnaire, please contact the school office to share your details.
To those who did complete the survey, an email will be sent out with a link to register your child for next week. Please complete this register by 2pm on Friday 27th March.
Just to confirm breakfast club is available this week (although no food is being served). After School Club is not available this week. Both of these will be reviewed for next week.
Currently, the school site is being closed by 4pm each day.
Please also find attached a document, which you might find useful when trying to support your child/ren and their mental health at this time. It contains a range of links and resources from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Educational Psychology Service and there are some great resources, which you can use with your children, to ease their anxiety and help to reassure them.
Take care,
Mr De Silva