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Oak Bites 27th January 2021

OAK BITES 27th January 2021

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Dear Fair Oak Family

Happy Wednesday everyone!

The Big Garden Bird Watch

This weekend is the return of the Big Garden Birdwatch (you may have seen the advert on TV). The RSPB are encouraging as many people as possible to take part in the world's largest bird survey. They ask you to choose an hour, any hour,  between 29th - 31st January to count the birds you see in your garden or from your balcony/ window. All the details that you need can be found on the website under the Get Involved section. There are pictures to help you identify the birds if you are a bit of an amateur like myself. There are also other helpful resources to read and watch. 

You might also enjoy the schools Winterwatch programme on the BBC at 11am on 28th January. More details can be found by looking at the website. 

I hope you enjoy taking part and it is a little bit warmer than last weekend!


Please see below information from ICON regarding their Half Term Holiday Camp for Critical Workers and Vulnerable Children.


News for Year 3

Firstly, I am so sorry that I missed uploading Times Tables practise questions and answers to the Y3 website page. Thank you for your kind and understanding emails and I hope that you've been able to see them on the page now.  I know that the children are very keen to challenge the rest of the school in the Timestables Rockstars Tournament and I have been really impressed with how many children have logged on to the TTRS website and started earning valuable points for this week already. I am not sure who will earn the title of 'Y3 Weekly Champion' yet as it is changing daily. 

We are incredibly proud of all of the Y3 children and want to thank you for all the amazing work completed and shared so far. We look forward to seeing the children celebrate and share something they are proud of or have enjoyed this afternoon in our Zoom call. From next week, there will be a small change to the work uploaded on the Purple Mash platform. The learning presentations will follow the same format that the children have successfully followed so far and will look the same apart from a small detail; some pages will have an 'Upload Me' star in the English and maths powerpoints. These will be the pages you need to upload or hand in when collecting new work packs. There is also a weekly record sheet to record Fluent in 5 and timestables achievements as well as weekly spelling scores. Please could a photo be taken of this and uploaded by Friday so that the teachers can share pupil achievement. This change was introduced on Monday in the Oak Bites from Mrs Layley and I hope that this message has made this change clearer.  I know that lots of you have made a home learning work book / journal or stapled weekly work together and please continue to do this as we would love the children to bring this in when we return to school and share it with their teacher.  If you are unsure how to upload work to the Purple Mash platform, please watch the video on our YouTube channel. Thank you for your continued support.   


News for Year 4

There is no specific news for Year 4


News for Year 5

Please see attached a letter from Miss Coxhead regarding some special activities for the next couple of weeks.


News for Year 6

There is no specific news for Year 6

  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
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