OAK BITES 27th September 2021
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
News for all pupils
Parents Evenings – Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd November
Please find attached an important letter outlining how to book your Parents’ Evening appointment using our online booking system. Appointments can be booked through Tucasi, (also known as Scopay). The booking system will go live on Monday 4th October 2021. Further details can be found in the attached letter.
Breakfast Club
Just a gentle reminder that it is £2.50 per session (to be brought in, in a named envelope) to attend Breakfast Club each day and it is an additional cost to purchase a breakfast. Please find attached the breakfast menu to see prices.
If your child is absent for any reason, please let the school know by 9am, by telephoning the school office on 02380 693195, or emailing adminoffice@fairoak-jun.hants.sch.uk . Thank you.
Parking on and around the school site
We have received a number of complaints from neighbouring residents of vehicles being parked across driveways to drop off children or of being parked badly, blocking the entrance or exit of any other vehicles. Sadly, there are also reports of vehicles being manoeuvred aggressively on the school campus. Please take care when parking or moving your vehicle and only vehicles with a current permit should ever be on the school campus. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.
News for Year 3
There is no news specific to Year 3.
News for Year 4
There is no news specific to Year 4
News for Year 5
There is no news specific to Year 5.
News for Year 6
Wyvern tours
Wyvern tours have started. If you have booked a tour for your child, please let the school office know by emailing: adminoffice@fairoak-jun.hants.sch.uk or telephoning: 02380 693195. We would just need to know your child’s name and class, the date of the tour and whether or not they will require a school lunch that day. Thank you.