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Oak Bites 28th September 2020

OAK BITES 28th September 2020

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Dear Fair Oak Family,


Flu vaccinations

Your child(ren)’s annual flu vaccination will be taking place in school on Wednesday 4th November 2020 – this will be for all year groups. You will need to complete the online consent form as per the attached NHS letter by the 2nd November for your child to receive their vaccination. Please take the time to read the letter and use the link provided. Thank you.



Change of details…..

Just a reminder to let the school office know if you have moved house or changed phone numbers over the summer break or at any other time. Thank you.




Keeping warm at school

Most classrooms in school have windows/doors open throughout the day due to the current climate and the need to keep all areas of the school ventilated. With this in mind, please make sure your child wears their school jumper each day and possibly layers underneath their shirt for additional warmth now that the weather is turning colder. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Bike to School Week starts today

To mark the launch of Bike to School Week 2020, Sustrans has released the results of the YouGov survey we commissioned to find out parents’ views on school run following Covid-19 closures.

Despite a reported cycling boom during the lockdown, there has been an increase in private car use during the school run and the survey reveals that three out of five UK parents currently do not enjoy the school run.

62% of parents cited congestion as the main reason why, parents also highlighted pavement parking (32%), dangerous junctions (27%) and narrow and poor quality pavements (17%) as other reasons why they didn’t enjoy the school run.



“The journey to school shouldn’t have to be a stressful or negative part of the day, and yet it seems that way for a lot of families across the country. As schools have now returned following closures amid Covid-19, families are looking for safe and socially distanced ways to travel."

Xavier Brice, CEO at Sustrans


Bike to School Week promotes the benefits of walking, cycling and scooting to school and is starting today.

It is not too late to take part. Find out more about Bike to School Week...



Visit our education page to find out more about other events and initiatives, and save the date for the next Big Pedal 19 to 30 April 2021.

Bike to School Week is delivered by Sustrans, with support from our partners the Bikeability Trust.





Sustrans is the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle.

2 Cathedral Square, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5DD

Sustrans is a registered charity no. 326550 (England and Wales), SCO39263 (Scotl


  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details