OAK BITES 6th May 2020
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Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Wednesday. I hope the week is going well. Just a quick reminder that the Home learning section of the website includes resources for curriculum areas other than English and Maths (these can be found on the individual year pages). You may be interested in your child continuing to learn French. If so, Mrs Pascoe has put some French resources on the Home learning page.
If you are struggling with aspects of your child’s behaviour at home, please do look at the Support for Parents page on the school website. However, please remember to be kind to yourself; you can only do your best with the plates you are spinning.
Young voices – If your child was involved in Young Voices at the O2 earlier this year, please do have a look at the video on our Twitter Feed (@FairOakJS). The children had a wonderful time, and that is clearly captured in the video.
Mr De Silva
Messages from the office…..
We have received some music based resources from Hampshire Music Services, for activities and things to do at home. Please see the Home Learning section of the school website to access these. These include power point presentations entitled Man on the Moon and Getting Creative with a Song, VE day celebration activities and a link to a singing assembly.
If your child was attending After School Club before school closed, we would be really grateful if you could check and see if you have an outstanding balance due. If you do have an amount owing, and you are able to clear this, as soon as is possible, we would be very grateful. Many thanks
Please see below some ideas of things to do whilst you're out on your daily walks from Living Streets