OAK BITES 7th September 2020
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Dear Fair Oak Family
What a wonderful first day back with all of our children! It was lovely to see lots of happy smiling faces, hear their laughter and share in their enthusiasm for learning as well as reforming and building friendships. Thank you everyone for following government guidance keeping yourself and others safe as much as possible on campus.
Going forward could we please ask our new year 3 parents to drop their children at the main green gates in the mornings instead of coming onto the site which you were invited to do today. If you have any problems, Mrs Layley and Mrs Cooper will be around to answer questions and provide support. This will increase the speed of drop off and further encourage social distancing.
Year 3 parents – Please look out for an online access letter coming home with your child today! This will allow you to pay for lunches/trips/music etc. online and also to book parents’ evening appointments when the time comes.
Campus access
In order to control the flow of pedestrians across the campus from tomorrow we will instigate a one-way system for Junior and Infant School parents to access the campus.
Please enter only via the gate at the side of the old Children’s centre at the front of the site and exit via the pavement (in front of Art block and Wyvern Nursery) and red path adjacent to the main vehicular gate (both will be signposted). This will allow for a steady flow entering and leaving the site.
Please can we ask that if you need to come into the school office, you wear a face covering and observe social distancing as much as possible – to protect yourselves and school staff. Thank you so much for your understanding.
Mrs Layley