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Dear Fair Oak Family,
Happy Wednesday! Wednesdays have now become ‘deep clean Wednesday’ for the classrooms that are being used for 2 halves of the same year group – this week it is the turn for our Year children and we are excited to be welcoming the rest of Year 5 tomorrow and Friday.
I am delighted to inform you that all reports have been created. These will be emailed to parents from today, and should be with you in the next few days. If you haven’t received your child’s report by Wednesday next week, please do contact the school office.
New Classes for September
Thank you to all those parents who completed the recent survey regarding friendship choices for the children. You should all by now have received a letter through the post confirming your child’s new class and teacher. We felt it would be a nice idea if the children in each newly formed class were able to communicate, and as such we are creating a class blog on Purple Mash which will be live by the end of the day next Tuesday (14th July). Class teachers will have set up a new blog and will have posted a message. We would love for your child to post on this blog so that they can begin to form friendships in their new classmates.
Year 6 Parents/guardians
As more and more Year 6 children come in to school, Year 6 Bubbles are nearly full in every class. If your child doesn’t attend on a Monday, we won’t be expecting them in for the rest of the week unless we have been notified otherwise. Also, please let us know if your Year 6 child will be attending school for the first time during this period, so we can plan accordingly. Thank you for your support with this.
Thank you to those who have completed the survey below.
Remember to respond to the survey monkey regarding the Year 5 residential trip to Stubbington. The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PK5HDM6 and closes at midday on 15th July.
Remember to respond to the survey monkey regarding food orders for the last day of term. The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PPH9LRY and it closes at midday on 10th July.
Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper, an interactive sensory story narrated by Liz Davies!
This is something that I have had so much fun putting together and I really hope you enjoy sharing this with you pupils and parents alike.
Hampshire Music Service have been given permission by Penguin Publishing to share this video with Hampshire schools. Please use this resource with your pupils but we would ask that you do not share it publicly. As per our agreement with Penguin, it will be available until 31 July 2020.
You will need to collect some resources to use during the telling of the story; which are all detailed at the beginning of the clip and will be used as the story unfolds. It lasts around for 22 minutes unless you are stopping it to continue enjoying the embedded activities, and explores a range of music, sounds, chants, rhythms and even a little snack break in the middle!