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Oak Bites 9th December 2020

OAK BITES 9th December 2020

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Dear Fair Oak Family,


Happy Wednesday everybody!


News for all pupils

Please see a message below from Mrs Layley

Dear Parents/Guardians,

 Yesterday, our daily Covid Update Bulletin from the Government announced that…

‘To ensure that staff get the time off they need and deserve, schools may wish to use an INSET day, making Friday 18th December a non-teaching day and using the day for staff training, which could be delivered online.’

This last-minute announcement has come as a surprise. My personal view, is that the government have spent all term telling schools they must remain open and shouldn’t close early. Secondly, what gives school staff more of a need to time off over say NHS staff or supermarket workers? Thirdly, we don’t see how having an INSET day, delivering training online can be counted as time off, as it is in fact still working.

With such short notice this would cause childcare issues for parents, with many possibly having to take the day off work themselves. Having spoken with Mr Peart, the headteacher at Fair Oak Infant School, we have both decided not to take Friday 18th December as an INSET day and therefore both schools will remain open, until their normal close times. 

Yours sincerely

Mrs Layley

Acting Headteacher

Fair Oak Junior School



After School Club

Please remember to send back your booking forms for the Spring Term, if you intend to use After School Club from January. Many thanks




News for Year 3

There is no news for Year 3


News for Year 4

Your child is coming home with a letter updating you on swimming this year. 

Further to this, on occasional times throughout the year, we will be watching movies, either to supplement the curriculum, or as a reward for positive behaviour. Since many of their favourite movies are rated PG for parental guidance, we need your permission to allow your child to watch these movies. We assure you that we will watch only age-appropriate material that has been screened by one of the teachers in the year group.  Should you not want your child to watch a PG please email in or speak to your child's class teacher as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support.    Many thanks


News for Year 5

Please see the attached letter from Miss Coxhead regarding Stubbington.


News for Year 6

There is no news for Year 6


  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details