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High Expectations

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Parents Evening letter March 2021

1st March 2021

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Parents’ Evening Meetings Thursday 18th March & Tuesday 23rd March 2021
I am pleased to provide details of our next Parents’ Evening meetings, which will take place via Microsoft Teams. These will take place on the dates above and appointments will be booked using the parents’ evening appointment booking system. This term’s meetings are for parents and pupils to have a discussion with the teacher regarding the work completed and any issues that have arisen during lockdown and how we can support going forward.

This online booking system enables you to choose exactly which time slot you book to meet your child(ren)’s teacher, giving you much greater control and we hope that you will find this beneficial. In order to use the system, you must be registered for online payments – Tucasi administer both the online payments and the parents’ evening booking system as well as our school communications tool (previously Parentmail). If you do not yet receive email communications from us or have not set up online payments, please contact the school office and we will provide you with some registration instructions. If you still are unable to use the system or have no access to the internet, please come in and talk to the office staff who will be able make an appointment for you.

The system will ‘go live’ on Wednesday 3rd March at 8am and at that time you will need to log in to your Tucasi account and at the home page, click on Parents’ Evening. Select Parents’ Evening Spring 2021 and all of your children should show with the remaining available times. Click ‘Book’ on any of the available slots and then ‘Yes’ to confirm the booking. You should then get a message saying Booking successful and your time slot will now be displayed in blue. An email confirming your appointment will also be sent to you. If you need them, these instructions are also available on the Tucasi website under the Help tab. There is also guidance if you wish to change or cancel a booking.
On the day/ time of the appointment, you should log in to your child’s Microsoft Teams account and join the meeting for that day. The teacher will admit you to the meeting at the appropriate time.

Please do get in touch if you have any queries.

Yours sincerely
Katy Layley Acting Headteacher

  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details