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High Expectations

Love and Care





Stubbington- Friday

What a week it has been! Last night, Valentina patiently waited in silence at the hide. During their visit, they saw foxes, badgers and a mouse.

After the children had their final breakfast, it was time for room inspections! We had some very high scoring rooms this morning, with an impressive 19.5/20. All the points for the last couple of days were totalled up and the winners of the house challenges were announced. BADGERS took the crown as this week’s champions!

This morning’s final activity was the earthquake. The children were divided into teams and set off on their rescue mission. Carrying vital survival equipment, the groups overcame challenging obstacles, demonstrated brilliant communication skills and encouraged one another throughout. It was lovely to see the support that the children show for each other as they put their fears to one side and tried new things.

It will shortly be time for lunch and a chance to say their goodbyes before getting back on the coach for Fair Oak. It has been a lovely second half to the week. Valentina have been fantastic! Stubbington staff have commented on numerous occasions on how polite they are and I have been extremely impressed with their manors, kindness and determination throughout. It has been lovely getting to know your children more and seeing them achieve.  

Lastly, if you have a spare day during half term, I would highly recommend a morning down at Hill Head beach. Not only is the parking free but your child could show you all they have learnt and share their top tips for fossil hunting! If you’re lucky, you may even find a shark’s tooth although be sure to check the tide times.

Have a lovely half term!  

Miss Coxhead











  • Fair Oak Junior School
  • Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh
  • Hampshire, SO50 7AN
Contact Details